Big Love: When We Were Kings!

A while back when the HBO series Big Love about a man living a polygamous lifestyle made it's debut some of us personal trainers the following day started a discussion about the possibilities of living with multiple wives!

Each trainer was given a three to four wife option and had to choose carefully as well as state reasons for their choices in spouses... Female trainers also joined in on the fun with multiple husband selections as did some of our clients so that whole day was off and on hilarious!

One of my clients was good friends with the star of the show Bill Paxton!

Of course I stole the show with my selections because that's how I get down...

1. Halle Berry

2. Oprah Winfrey

3. Laila Ali

4. Condoleeza Rice

Basically I got the cutey wife, the money wife, the fighter wife for critical beat downs when and where needed for those threatening our happy home and a woman with enough connections to make all my enemies disappear that very weekend if you don't come correct towards my very powerful growing family! Lol

Each of these women has their own status and really don't need me as a man to validate themselves whatsoever which by default makes me one heck of a guy to pull something like this off! Lmao

So what does this have to do with polygamy or having a ready made harem via inheritance?

Women are often objectified as property to the point that most men that engage in this type of living arrangement often get very young woman that are in many ways trapped in this situation with little choice or objections to it!

A king or a very powerful and influential man be it through politics or religion can take advantage of a particular situation that favors his needs over the woman involved!

My choices could very well walk away from me as they have careers far beyond my scope of practice so if they all stayed with me I must have something going on that would keep those four in rotation... I mean would you put up with my schtick like my sole wife does already then more power to you for that!

In many societies there are laws that make women the property of the man whether it be a father auctioning off his daughters or a husband with more power than God gave him to begin with!

Often to keep peace among tribes bridal offers are made which can save lives from the ravages of war!

BUT... A true player does not need legal help nor an oppressive nation to prove that his pimp his hand is strong nor does his sexual appetite define him as a stable individual!

If you saw me walking down the street holding four different hands, shopping at the mall with wife #3's money or out on date night with Halle, Oprah, Laila and Miss Rice and they were all happy with this arrangement you would be amazed not only at my audacity but intrigued about what the actual flavor of my Kool-aid was that they were gladly sipping!

But if you saw me with a bunch of young girls barely old enough to tie their own shoes let alone allowed to come outside and have a life of their own you would eye me suspiciously and recognize that there was something seriously wrong with that whole operation right there!

This is not a knock against polygamy because there are many women that sign up readily for it if only to have someone else that they can send their husband away too and get some valuable "ME" time without feeling like he was technically cheating on them!

AND... There are some women who secretly and openly give their husband a pass to go get some on the side just as long as he does not bring anything home afterwards but that's a whole other thread entirely! (smile)

The case here is if the women have a legitimate say in who their husband is or if they prefer the one wife option over the shared experience... What if you flip flopped it and made it something women of that society had total control of!

If the elder women chose the wives you might see some disgruntled men stuck with women they mat not have chosen till death do us part! 

Solomon in the Bible was said to have 700 wives and 300 concubines... That did not exactly work out well for him in the long run and at some point that has to get a bit icky let alone unsanitary as far as sleeping assignments were concerned! Lol

Me personally my "conquests" are less than 10 and please don't ask how low that number is because my overall street cred is at stake but I always kept it one man one woman to lower the excessive baggage count... Wilt Chamberlain's record is safe as long as I am not the last living man after the apocalypse standing around with millions of lonely women looking at me like hungry zombies! (Oh hush and get out of end of the world fantasies Lol)

I have known men that were straight up hoes sleeping with half of the gym and any cheerleader throwing it their way but they always wore themselves out and look much older than they really are trying to manage all these women, the lies and the consequences of such!

With less wear and tear from transient relationships a man can sleep better and not worry about mixing up names the next morning as he tries to sort it all out and keep the peace!

True story... I once trained a celebrity's mistress that was all over the news but at least he was smart enough to have a "chick on the side" that had the same name as his wife so it probably made using that name easier for all involved!

Women can be a blessing or a cursing depending upon how you use them or they use you so tread carefully before you follow paths that age you rapidly and throw out your back muscles!

Personal Trainers = Bartenders Without The Alcohol

100 wives in this day and age is pushing the envelope for health risks...

Plus, the polygamous husband or one of the wives straying just once could wipe out the whole family with one STD... You do the math!

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