Welcome To Black Science Fiction Society!!!

It has long been a goal of mine to create an online community with a focus on Black Science Fiction. Not simply a group or magazine, but an interactive site where consumers as well as developers of Black science fiction can communicate, support, collaborate and thrive together.

The dream of blacks making science fiction as a concept has been in the minds of many of us since we were all children watching science fiction movies and television shows such as Buck Rogers, Star Wars, Battle Star Galactic and Star Trek. Most of us have however, found that the characters that are ethnic, as a general rule most often have been relegated to secondary roles, sidekicks, stereotypes, sex objects, dope heads, not in the show at all or my favorite the first to die in the show.

We however, feel it is only right to present science fiction with a different face, one that is not filled with the normal negative representation of ethnic characters. We think that it is essential for characters of all colors and creeds to be represented positively and fairly. Given that, this movement is not exclusive to Black People. It is for all people but with a Black focus. We welcome all races and ethnicities to partake of our wondrous gift Black Science Fiction.

Our mission is to encourage racial and ethnic diversity through various forms of media.