Two days ago the forum at was rebooted by it's owner due to some over the top drastic TROLLING gone virally wild!

To distance himself and the company from such filth the owner pulled the plug and started again from scratch!

As I witnessed this happening I recalled the madness that became over time as certain issues escalated to the point that the forum eventually became a ghost town and was put on a still ongoing hiatus!

At this point has more current members (4,000) as CBR which had over 100,000 plus down to 2700 is in the process of having everyone start up new accounts since the previous ones have all been wiped clean!

I fully expect CBR to get back up in the higher numbers once everyone realizes what has happened but nevertheless this is an encouraging sign!

As someone who posts frequently at both sites there are times that I straddle the fence on behavior concerning certain topics but I usually self check myself if things go too far!

With that said as communities of both comics and sci-fi grow we must always be aware of crossing boundaries that need not be crossed just for the sake of getting your point heard or made!

Sometimes in life a reboot is the best thing for you and allows past transgressions to be swept away whereby you can start anew and refocus time and energy to bigger and better things!

What happened to the person at the center of this controversy was way out of line and not becoming of what true fans of super heroes should be or aspire to be!

Fortunately for us we have a wonderful Administrator here who with no Moderator support gets rid of those who act a fool beyond what is normally acceptable in civilized society!

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