Valjeanne Jeffers' Immortal

via huemindfantastic:
The indie stream is still learning to walk in a climate of non-autonomic thinking masses, but progress is being made, thanks to POD and e-presses that are giving us the opportunity to finally choose for ourselves. Many indies are not yet as marketing-savvy, or funded as the formulaic-giants of industry, but word of mouth and interesting approaches to getting word out about new projects holds up a light in the dark for newcomers, and veterans alike that we may only now be coming to know. Sources such as Goodreads, and Shelfari are helping us discover new voices all of the time. If you’re a member of them you’ve probably heard whispers of the Immortal trilogy penned by Lady Jeffers, a weaver of post-apocalytpic peace where shapeshifting Lycans as well as underworld kinds walk. Two of the books have been released, to high acclaim—- receiving 5 stars from APOOO books is no small feat—-with the third set for release in 2010.I recommend Immortal to appreciators of speculative literature that respects the smooth brush of spell-binding prose. Very few writers know the importance of making words dance on the page. Our shelves deserve to be fed works that do.Click the image to purchase your copy through Amazon.Got suggestions for Feed Your Shelf? Submit a writeup celebrating diversity in speculative media lit, art, and ether. Include ‘Feed your shelf’ in the title to indicate your preferred department.

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