being creative a composit point of view.

I am looking back over my years, I can't boast many specific skills as some. But I have absorbed many interest briefly and taken many notes. I was surprised to hear many comedians kept libraries of material, so I did the same. The note is so close to the original idea when jotted down at the moment of inspiration. I take lots of brief notes between episodes. You might say I'm a twitter brain without a Twitter account.

I can tell you a huge story with a small statement. Thus I give you the worlds greatest toys coming soon for your sci-fi kids.

1. the string-less yo-yo, perhaps called a "yo".

2. the sonic boomerang, also comes in a stealth model. (eat your heart out Batman!)

3. the iLite Saber, the Boy Scout pocket knife is passe. (user can't not flash airplanes) and yes Boy Scouts are Jedi. Still nothing beats a Girl Scout cookie. Oh wait, a Wookie with a perm.

4. 2D glasses, so that the world doesn't pop out at you. Flatten your friends.

5. the stick, forever the best, darn!

6. the box, supersedes every toy, even the stick.

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