Book Update

Ok, as of 11:56 last night, I finished the draft writing of my novel.

After wrestling with thisthing since I first started writing it in late 2005 / early 2006, I finally have the complete book written out. That doesn't mean I'm done - I still have to let these last 3 chapters marinate a few days or a week, tweak and rework here and there, then put up the podcast episodes, but it's done. No longer a novel in progress, now it's a novel!

According to the stats I've been keeping (currently, 39,558 hits), at least 6000 people have done the equivalent of passing by the book in a store and picking it up to read the back cover copy or blurbs or read a sample page. I can only guess at the number of actual 'readers' the story has (for marketing purposes, I've settled on 3900 people so far actually reading at least three chapters), but the next phase of the podcast novel will begin whenthe last episode is uploaded and readers will have access to the entire story. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes for the raw unvarnished tale to reach the magic 50,000 hits mark...

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