New cover and contest!

Hello fellow members,
Eric and I are gearing up for the New York City Comic Con in Oct and will be releasing an updated new Trade edition of GALTOW with a brand new cover and 5 new pages which will launch into the next issue of the series!

here's the cover drawn by the very talented Jay Aquilera, which will be on sale in our online store this week!

As we are currently focusing on the Intellectual property we will also seek out five pin-ups to be added to the tradebooks and promoted on our very popular website that has followers from around the globe.
We are looking for colored character designs of our major characters:

The first prize is $100
and the second prize will be that you get to draw yourself as a warrior in the upcoming story.
this is also one of the perks in our INDIEGOGO promotion!
so those folks interested lets get to work... The deadline will be September1, 2011

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