The Kemet Civil War: The Servitude Initiative

The following was written at the dawn of the 10th centrury. The letter is to King Gwandoya from a wealthy landowner named Mwenye, whose written words would change two cultures forever. This would also begin nearly one thousand years of slavery in the country.

Dear King Gwandoya,

IS SLAVERY NEEDED? Well, it’s not easy to say this, but it must be said. Slavery is a welcome and needed occupation if we are going to be fruitful in the 10th century. I realized our ancestors didn't condone "slavery" because many of them were slaves.

However, our ancestors failed to realize the abundant of land, crops and work need to make our country a success. We need labor to work the land immediately. I know this is a difficult subject to discuss, but its time, we do.

First, I don’t like the word "slavery" it sounds far too barbaric for my taste. I prefer the word "extended servitude". Extended servitude is necessary for our civilization in an age of a slow growing population, an abundance of land, lack of laborers and a stumbling economy. I know you’re against our lower class being involved in extended servitude, so let me make a suggestion "The Pariah."

The Pariah people are the source and answers to our prayers. They are strong, non-intelligent savages sent by the Lion God for us to take care of. How can we take care of them if they scattered everywhere? They can’t work legally nor do they present any value of currency. King Adam, once said that we will be the most powerful nation on earth. How can we be the modern marvel of the world if our gentlemen are forced to do manual labor rather than using their intellect for far greater matters? My lord, your people need their time to develop the land and culture, so we can become "the modern marvel of the world."

Let’s face it the Pariah are beast. It is a matter of fact, these savages spend their time, killing, ravishing, inbreeding, and stealing from one another. They will continue this process until all of them are dead. Do you want to be responsible for their demise? Just yesterday, I was told that one of them committed the worse of sins. The beast murdered his brother over a piece of bread, and then ate him. Cannibalism! This proves these savages cannot be left alone. If one is willing to eat his brother, what is it to stop the beast from devouring an Afri gentleman? We must stop this madness now! The solution is letting your elite gentlemen of the state, be in command of the welfare these savages. It is only through our teaching and education that these barbarians can become civil human beings.

My associates and I have discussed the matter, and we are more than happy to take in the Pariah in exchange for labor. We will give food, shelter, and education, all the qualifications they'll need succeed. Besides, it will be only temporary until the savages are civilized, and we no longer need their work. I have estimated it to be a maximum of two years. I know in time, your people will praise you for your intelligent and vision toward the welfare of your people. Your humanity toward the Pariah will also be appreciated. Afri(s) will create statues and monuments in your honor, and history will never forget you.

As for the Pariah, you will be the savior of their race. If you don’t act, you will be responsible for the extinction of an entire race and the downward spiral economy. In conclusion, the landowners will be more than willing to contribute more profits to the national treasury if we have more labor, since we will be more profitable . Please do this, immediately, your majesty. The matter is urgent, and only a man as great as you, can bring our people into the 10th century.

Your concern friend,


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