Umoja-The Road(s) to Black Sovereignty

As I read the agreeable and insightful blog by Bro. Clifton McMillan Jr. some thoughts came to mind.

The show Revolution deals with this, as well as, many other media presentations. I am very much into technology, but I have been knowing what he writes for decades.

One of the things that I promote is everyone having a frame of reference from which to understand/overstand reality. Mine is a Afrocentric one-a balance of old and new, past-present and future being cyclical, logic and intuition in harmony and a dissertation worth of many other ideologies.

With that being said, it gives me a different view of things. People's reliance on technology to the point of forgetting basic survival and trade skills is by design. We were mostly rural folks in our beginnings here. We knew about bartering, trade crafts and the whole. We were lured into cities by promises of an easier life for our children and ourselves.

Families in rural areas could support themselves because they controlled their own means of food production. You could have large families of 10-20 people and get by. You could barter for goods and service you did not produce with neighbors. We built our own homes. I remember my mom telling me how my grandmother added a room to her house by herself.

It was much more limited living in cities. Whites controlled food production, most of the jobs and we paid rent for substandard living conditions. Those were some of the major things that facilitated the break down of Black families. After making it more and more difficult for Black men to make livable wage they offered Black women monetary support, if they got rid of the Black men. Hence the welfare system. Welfare was already in place for White women who lost their husbands to war and other misfortunes. Our caveat was to break up with each other in order to survive. Always different rules for us having access to that which was available to them.

The amount vagrancy laws and such that they created just for us and other well known injustices made it possible for us to adopt an unofficial slogan in our communities as stated by Papa Pope in the TV show Scandal, " We must work twice as hard to accomplish half as much as White folks"(paraphrase).

My point is this, Yes we can accomplish whatever we desire, but we have to be ever mindful that out sense of time, production schedule, resources and delays cannot ever be compared to Whites and Asians. They do not operate with the level of intentional distractions - both internal and external - that we operate with, so we cannot place ourselves within their frame of reference when plotting our goals . We have a different view of fairness, work ethic, spirituality and logic. It is imperative that we start to overstand that being "different" is not a four letter word(profane). There IS such a thing as "acting Black" just as there is such a thing as "acting White" that is devoid of the narrowly analyzed, conditioned, negative, Pavlovian responses we spout out when we hear those terms.

Fact, billions of dollars are spent researching, categorizing and exploiting African culture. IF we were all the same, then there would be no reason for the Europeans here and in Europe and the Chinese/Japansese to spend such large sums of money. They would already know because it would a part of their way of thinking.

We have unique gifts that we use daily, but don't see them as such, because we think it is a part of everyone's way of thinking, despite the "others" only giving lip service to it and we being the only ones living by them.

Arabs in control of the regions of Egypt do not know how the pyramids were built. Europeans have sent their best and brightest and most advanced equipment and could not figure it out. So have the so-called smartest folks in the world, the Asians. That leaves us.

Within our physical, mental and spiritual DNA are the origins of civilization and the still labelled mysteries of the ancient world. Info that Whites and Asians, again by spending what could amount to billions of dollars, will use to advance their future. They study and exploit our past for their future progress while conditioning us to "forget the past and look to the future" All of the present and future is a modification of the past.

If we are spending our waking days trying to imitate and assimilate then we will never be able to BE ourselves, just a poor imitation of "others".

Despite us thinking we need to get with their program to progress, we are literally holding ourselves back and limiting ourselves by working within their box. Even outside their box is still using their box as a frame of reference.

We have a cirlce. Our own circle, from which to overstand reality. One that is filled with the solutions to our problems of self-hatred, economic, political and social stagnation and psychotic reliance on peoples that will never appreciate who we are because doing so will jeopardize their power.

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”

Frederick Douglass

Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)

To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves, instead of being defined, named, created and spoken for by "others".

Unconditional Love to my Sisters and Brothers always and forever,

...the Calm before the Storm

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