Hello my fellow Black Science Fiction writers,
My web site http://love-lovepublishing.com/ebooks is
having a $100 short story contest. I apologize that I neglected to mention this here sooner, wasn't sure if it was cool to post about it on the forums. I can extend the submission deadline a couple of days to accomodate anyone who wants to participate.
$100 isn't a lot of money, it's mostly about recognition.
The website is http://love-lovepublishing.com or go directly to http://love-lovepublishing.com/ebooks and click the FAQ section for details. It is a romance themed publishing site, but at the heart of every story is a love story no matter the genre, so if interested please don't hesitate to sign up, and click the "SUBMIT NEWS" or "ADD STORY" link in the nav bar.
Warmest Regards,