I was walking through B@N today and they had a SEPARATE table spread for URBAN BOOKS AND SCI FI-FANTASY. both sections were dam near beside each other. SO I checked the sci fi- fantasy section for any blackish book covers in which they were none. Now the question is if you are a black SCIFI/FANTASY WRITER do you hace your book placed in the SCIFI/FANTASY section where it might not be seen, OR do you place it in THE URBAN SECTION WHERE IT MIGHT BE SEEN AND PICKED UP OUT OF CURIOSITY. Also do you create a Universal URBAN SCI FI OR URBAN FANTASY TITLE thatbook chains can place it beside the URBAN SECTION where it can be seen as a step child of GETTHO BOOKS. NOW for the book placement part, I also noticed that in order to save space a lot of books are placed on the shelves side ways. If your book is lucky enough to make the shelves how the hell is that single buyer you are looking for is going to know you EXIST in a sea of books with their backs turned to you.

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