I normally write alternate history science fiction with elements of horror. Usually all of my characters are entirely human -- all though I have a growing fascination with vampires (and even they have a disease and not a superhuman origin in my work)... All that said, the story that keeps me up at night calls for a spell. I haven't ever written a fantasy, but I know from reading that there are rules for magic.I was reading Orson Scott Card's "How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy," and he makes a compelling argument that in the best science fiction magic done requires a price. OSC writes that "You don't want your readers to think that anything can happen." (I got the Card book from a used book sale in a box marked Sci Fi for $5. I also got a great collection of Asimov's and a few European fantasy paperbacks. Nearly 20 books for 5 bucks )And I think he's right about that. There have to be limitations to what a spell caster/witch can do, and there must be a price for the spell. If not the story runs the risk of coming off as ridiculous. SO, my question is this -- what are some stories you've read or ideas you have about the price of magic?I'm looking for a few suggestions of books - fiction or non- that I might read to help me out.
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