White Males and Respect

I've been posting on this site called Angry White Dude. The people who post on this site spew a lot of bigoted, overblown, narrow-minded, racially infused, far right wing invectives. So, I've been throwing my two-cents into this neanderthal mix. I've been irritating a few people, pushing some buttons with wittily scathing comments designed to make them hate the likes of me even more than they already do...and I'm enjoying it!!The following exchange revolved around the anger the AWD posters expressed concerning the perceived negative, demeaning portrayals of white males in TV commercials:Chris Hansen5. August 2008 11:47 pmI agree that more should respect should be shown to the white men of this great country. I agree we are constantly the butt of many jokes. I think we as white males should live our lives in such a way that we earn the respect of the rest of the nation.I don’t think any intelligent individual gets their opinion of me or white men in general from a television commercial. I suppose an argument can be made for the string of television commercials/comedians/sitcoms that make the white male the butt of the joke.Why does everyone make fun of the president? Because he is an idiot? Because he is a white male? I think it is because he is a public figure in a position of power. Like any well known figure will be publicly made fun of whether deserving or not, justified or not, fair or not. We white males, being the historical leaders of this country, the backbone of this country, the head of this country, will have to endure the criticism, nasty remarks and attempts at humour that all those jealous of us will throw at us. It comes with the position.Do I wish it didn’t exist? DO I wish it would stop. Sure that would be great, in a perfect world, but we are far from it. I don’t think anyone is going to stop making fun of the President either. Any president not just this one. It comes with the position. (another reason Obama can’t win too btw. He don’t like to be made fun of)You missed my point though. Let’s take the high road and not whine about every single person or company that pokes fun at us. Unlike every other minority out there.Let me be clear! Love for everyone! Just wanted to give another point of view.Thanks for the response Dudette!Here's my response:Ronald T. Jones18. September 2008 3:06 amMore respect should be shown to the white men of this country? What does that mean, Chris Hansen? Should I doff my hat to you when our paths cross? Or perhaps I should step off the sidewalk in a show of deference? LOL! Chris, you or any other white guy will be shown as much respect as the respect you show me. Oh,God! I’m doubling over in laughter!I don't think I'm very popular on that site! heh heh heh!

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