Save us Black man!

Dolls and guys I can't resist. You know I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut -- it's a sickness, Ok? Wall Street is asking for $700 billion. And they don't want any stipulations attached!? How arrogant is that? But on a positive note, McCain's approval ratings are steadily dropping. Senator Barak is the only candidate putting forth sensible, intelligent stipulations on how the money should be distributed.Our future president (God willing) Sentator Obama is showing for the umpteenth time that he knows how to handle himself and American's needs under pressure with a telephone call to Senator McCain requesting a meeting to come up with bipartisan solutions.I'm reminded of Will Smith and the 50 foot worm in Men in Black: "Save us Black man...!" Has America finally seen the 50 feet worm threatening to devour us? Sisters and Brothers what ya'll think?

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