Does everyone know that about this. I was not sure if it was true or not so I contacted a friend who happens to be the head of the Election Commission in Massachusetts and she verified it is indeed the truth.SO PLEASE READ. This is very important on Election Day at all Polling Booths across the country!!!Anyone, absolutely anyone wearing any Obama, McCain, Biden, Palen and any other Candidate advertising gear will not be allowed within the polling area.Please advise everyone you know that whether you are in Massachusetts, Maryland, Atlanta, California or any other State across the country, can not go to the Polls wearing anyone’s shirts, pins, hats, or anything else, because it is against the law and will be grounds to have the Polling Officials turn you away.The wearing of this type of clothing gear is considered Campaigning and no one can Campaign within a certain amount of feet to the Polls.Remember, if you are turned away, you will have to leve and return in order to vote. Or if you are wearing it and you are asked to leave, you will be allowed to turn it inside out and go in to vote, but that is taking a risk depending on where you live.1. ElectioneeringMany State Laws prohibits electioneering within 100 feet of the entrance or exit to a polling place on election day. The 100-foot "No Electioneering" zone is measured from the entrance/exit of the building closest to the room in which voting actually takes place.No electioneering means that no canvassing, electioneering, campaigning, or posting of any campaign material is permitted within the zone. "Posting of any campaign material" is broadly interpreted to mean the wearing of any article of clothing, hat, sticker, or button that indicates support of or opposition to any candidate, question, or political party.The Chief Election Judges at each polling place post signs designating the "No Electioneering" zone. Election judges are instructed to strictly enforce the "No Electioneering" prohibition, including calling the police to enforce it, if necessary.A person who violates the prohibition is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500, or imprisonment for not more than 60 days, or both.§16-206 of the Election Law Article

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