Ronald "Hussein" Jones just doesn't get it! He supported a bill that allowed Lord Vader to slay innocent Jedi children! His war between Aliens vs Predator has no exit strategy! He vetoed a bill that cut funding for The Starship Enterprise! His failure to respond to King Kong's rampage cost the taxpayers billions in rebuilding homes and businesses! His in the closet relationship with Jar Jar Binks is both unethical and immoral! His choice of a running mate Sharise has no galactic experience to deal with the various federations that rule the galaxy! During The War of The Worlds crisis his passive demeanor cost the planet earth billions of lives! He has no skills in playing video games! His rhyme skills are suspect in rap battles! He is just naive to the solar universe that surrounds us!Flex Hectic for Galactic Emperor!Ready to dictate on day one!

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