I, Flex Hectic have known Ronald "Hussein" Jones since about 1990! I feel that now is the time that I speak up for those who may seek to adjoin themselves with him! In his past relations be they male or female or subspecies farm animals, he has shown a tendency toward a darker angrier side not always seen in his posts! I will not blame it on the galactic STD's that he contracted on various worlds but after his release from solitary confinement he has made some progress!However, some of the crimes that he was acquitted of still remain unsolved to this very day! This is not to say that he is unworthy of galactic rule but until he can show a reasonable argument for his appointment to higher office he should bow out of his campaign gracefully!As a friend of Mr. Jones I have been privy to inside knowledge of many of his actions to this date! This close proximity has allowed me to witness things as well as FILM them that would make one question this dudes judgement! The scandalous behavior of a would be dictator could bring dishonor to the office and sour the public trust!So in my belief Ronald should seek guidance and professional help for his disorders before it is too late! Do the right thing my brotha! STEP OFF!P.S. Remember the time when you did that thing...? I filmed that too!

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