The Black Ship Armada!

The Black Ship Armada, assembled by Ronald T. Jones and commanded by the Vindicator, has just attacked a stronghold on the planet Delterious, where Flex Hectic has been hiding out for the last month. Along with a pitiful handful of followers, Flex Hectic, who should be called FLED Hectic, withdrew in haste at the first sight of the indomitable Black ShipsRonald T. Jones dispatched the Vindicator to arrest Flex for attempting to subvert the galactic presidential election in a failed coup attempt.Emboldened by delusions of grandeur, blinded by arrogance, this is where Flex Hectic's ambitions have led him, cowering in a cave on a half charted world far from the center of interstellar civilization.Time is running out for the would-be emperor of the galaxy. If Flex Hectic does not surrender to the Black Ships, the Vindicator will implement Directive 11-9-12-12. (The numerals are for the 11th, 9th and 12th letters in the old Earth English alphabet).

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