To your Health

I though i would share this with the family, share this with everyone you know. Peace, Blessing and good Health to all.Health CornerMake this year ...the year for you to become more healthier...Get educated and become more empowered...Take Control of Your Own Life!!!------------ --------- -TOPICS:- Documented, Proven Cure and Preventative for Cancer (Part I) - Overcome Helpless Over-Eating With These Healthful Tips - Buy Your Poison - Aspartame, Diet Soda, Splenda ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ----Documented, Proven Cure and Preventative for Cancer (Part I) (NaturalNews) This article is about how you can prevent and cure cancer with a bottle of flax oil and a carton of cottage cheese. As incredible as this may seem, it is a truth that has been well proven and documented. It is also a truth that has been vigorously suppressed because the cancer industry is big business at its worst.You or someone you love may have been diagnosed with cancer, and you are very much afraid. You have been taught by the disease establishment that you have a life threatening condition, and you had better sign on for the "standard of care" treatments before it is too late. Your doctors have thrown all sorts of frightening statistics at you about what will happen if you don't have immediate surgery followed by radiation, chemotherapy, and probably a lifetime of debilitating drug use. You are being pressured to make an immediate commitment to these toxic treatments.Your mind is in a whirl, you can't think straight, and you're scared out of your wits. Now the cancer industry has you right where it wants you. You are in no condition to investigate alternatives. If you could gather your wits enough to start investigating what cancer really is and how it should be treated, your doctors know that you would run from them and their poisons. That's why the pressure on you is so intense.So what is cancer really? Does a person get cancer because he is suffering from a deficiency o f surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and drugs? Once you realize that the answer to this question is obviously 'no', you will see that traditional "standard of care" treatments, even if administered at state of the art cancer clinics, have no cure to offer you. So there is no rush to sign up for those treatments. You really can afford to take the time to relax and regain your composure, and then decide on a rational approach based on alternatives that do offer you the potential for complete cure. Whether you have a lot of money or not, and even if you have no health insurance, you really can make a complete recovery from cancer.Cancer is an indication that something is drastically wrong with what you are putting into your body. If you have a family with a high incidence of cancer, maybe you think cancer is in your genes and you really can't do anything about it. This is not true. No matter what your genetic makeup, it is the choices you make that determine whether genes that induce cancer will get switched on. Cancer is not a deadly disease. Cancer is a life saving wake up call. So, with all this in mind, let's get back to the flax oil and cottage cheese.Johanna BudwigDr. Johanna Budwig was born in Germany in 1908 and died 95 years later. She devoted her life to cancer research and was often referred to as the top cancer research scientist in Europe. She was also a biochemist and physicist who was a leading author ity on fats, oils and nutrition. After original and exhaustive research which included years of clinical trials, Johanna proved beyond doubt that unheated and unprocessed flaxseed oil could provide the body with the essential fatty acids that would replenish the loss of critically needed phosphatides and lipoproteins missing from the diets of many people of her time and are missing to an even greater degree in the diets of Americans today.Through blood analysis of many cancer patients, Johanna determined that cancer patients were always grossly deficient in these critical nu trients. Blood samples from all patients with later stage cancer revealed a greenish yellow substance in place of normal, healthy red oxygen carrying hemoglobin indicating an inability of the blood to transport oxygen to the cells. After she treated them for a few months with daily doses of flaxseed oil, their cancer tumors gradually receded and the unhealthy blood color was replaced by healthy red blood cells. This change in blood color signaled the rise of phosphatide and lipoprotein levels.Her discovery of how to make the fats water soluble was her crowning moment. She realized that fats become water soluble and able to pass through the cell membrane only when they are bound to protein. This is where the cottage cheese comes in. It is the binding of the electron rich fats from the flax oil with the sulphurated protein from the cottage cheese that ushers these electrons in through the cell membranes and into the cell walls.Johanna was adamantly against the use of hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated, and polyunsaturated fats. She saw the chemical processing of these fats as damaging to every organ in the body. The heart rejects these fats and they end up as inorganic fatty deposits on the heart muscle, blocking circulation, damaging heart action, inhibiting cell renewal and disrupting the normal flow of blood and lymph fluids.Johanna's patients were those so terminally ill that traditional medical practitioners had given up on them, with many having been given only days or hours to live. She treated these patients with a simple diet based on a combination of flax oil and quark, the European version of cottage cheese. Her published research is full of testimonials from people around the world that were diagnosed with terminal cancer and were completely cured by the Budwig diet. The benefits of Johanna's research extend to the healing of anyone with any of the major debilitating diseases.There are thousands of documented cases of recovery from cancer using the Budwig protocol. For her research and practice, Johanna was nominated for seven Nobel Prizes, but was kept from receiving any of them by the German pharmaceutical and medical industries that subjected her to endless vilification and harassment and blocked the publication of her writings and clinical studies.We are the body electricIn addition to compromising the integrity of our cellular membranes, processed and cooked oils lower the voltage in the cells of our bodies making us highly susceptible to chronic and terminal disease. Boiled and processed unsaturated fats have their field of electrons altered and destroyed resulting in the inability of the cells to fire properly. The ability of fats to associate with protein and to achieve water solubility in the body is destroyed. When fats are able to bond with protein to achieve water solubility, they are able to enter the cells, provide them with oxygen, and restore proper electrical energy levels. Remember, it is only in an oxygen deficient environment that cancer cells can thrive.The proper metabolism of fats affects every vital function and organ of the body, including cell regeneration and death. When new cells grow there is a di-polarity between the positive charge of the nucleus and the negative charge of the cell membrane. During the division phase of the cell cycle, the new or daughter cell must have enough energy to completely divide off from the old cell. It is electron rich fatty acids that facilitate this process. When this process is interrupted because di-polarity is missing through lack of electron rich highly unsaturated fat, cells do not completely divide from each other.This process can be reversed by providing the body with food that restores the ingredients necessary to return di-polarity and resolve the stagnated cell cycle. The molecular configuration of flax oil, with its two unsaturated fatty acid components composed of three pi-electron double bonds between atoms of the molecule is capable of transferring an immense amount of energy, allowing the body much greater assimilation and transport capacity of oxygen. This causes any tumors present to dissolve, and the range of symptoms indicating lack of di-polarity to disappear. Here is an excerpt from Johanna's research:"The moment two unsaturated double links occur together in a fatty acid chain, the effects are multiplied and in the highly unsaturated fats, the so called "linoleic" acids, there is generated a field of electrons, a veritable electrical charge which can be quickly conducted off into the body, thus causing a recharging of the living substance –- especially of the brain and nerves. It is exactly those highly unsaturated fatty acids which play a decisive role in the respiratory functioning of the body. Without these fatty acids, the enzymes in the breath cannot function a nd we asphyxiate, even when given extra oxygen, as for example in hospitals. The lack of these highly unsaturated fatty acids paralyses many vital functions. Primarily, it cuts off the air we breathe."Let the sun shine inJohanna also investigated the relationship between fats, electrons, photons, and the solar energy from the sun. She was aware of the health giving energy of the sun and its effect on the body. This energy is in part due to the photons in sunlight which are the purest form of energy. People are meant to be in relationship with the sun as indicated by their high level of photons. This concentration of the sun's energy is improved when we eat electron rich food such as the flax oil, cottage cheese mixture which attracts the electromagnetic waves of sun beams.According to Johanna, "Matter always has its own vibration, and so, of course, does the living body. The absorption of energy must correspond to one's own wave length." This is what makes the sun and the human body so compatible when the body is in proper condition to receive it. Once Johanna's patients were feeling better, they were instructed to sit in the sun and found it easily tolerated.Johanna saw the electrons in the food we eat as our resonance system for the energy of the sun. She viewed the human body as an antenna for the sun and the interplay of the sun with the electrons in our food as the governing principal for all vital functions of the body.What this research means for youMost of the foods and almost all of the snacks of the American diet contain boiled or otherwise cooked oils, the oils that have lost their integrity and are unable to provide the life giving energy and oxygen transport essential to the proper functioning of your cells. If you have cancer now, have had it in the pas t, or wish to prevent it in the future, you must come to terms with this fact. Your doctor may tell you that what you eat has nothing to do with whether or not you are a victim of cancer. But nothing could be further from the truth.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----Overcome Helpless Over-Eating With These Healthful Tips (NaturalNews) If you believe that you are a helpless over eater whose attempts at dieting are doomed, you may actually have already taken an important step towards success in overcoming your problem. Admitting that you have the problem is a big first step, the most important one in fact, and now it is just a matter of coming up with a game plan to conquer your feelings of helplessness and put yourself in charge of doing something about it. Here is a plan to help you realize the success you dream of, with an added tool at the end that may finally help you get over the hump.The Emotional Side:Find a friend or group of friends who want to help if you can. Call them whenever you are on the verge of a binge or even in the middle of one.Go buy a copy of Og Mandingo's "The Greatest Miracle in the World". It is a great little inspirational book that millions have taken to heart and I recommend it most hi ghly. Chances are good you can buy it for a song at a used book store.Practice EFT, meditation and/or yoga for better health and relief from negative feelings and depression. Make sure that you engage in at least some physical activity each day. Exercise is not only helpful in taking off and maintaining weight, it also releases endorphins that enhance your mood.Find activities and hobbies that fill in the blank spaces instead of food. Often eating is used to take the place of em otional fulfillment and things we may be missing out on in other areas of life. Involving yourself in activities that help others can be tremendously rewarding emotionally.When you do eat:First of all, get rid of all the junk and replace it with healthy fruits and vegetables. The old saying rings true -- if you hang around the barbershop long enough, one day you will end up getting a hair cut. In some cases, I suppose you could say beauty shop and hairdo. If the food is not there, you can't eat it.Try to eat smaller portions at each meal. Instead of two or three substantial meals, try three small ones with some light and healthy between meal snacks.Drink a tall glass of water between meals and snacks and during meals and snacks too. It will help you feel filled and full sooner. For a healthy boost, substitute one or two of the glasses of water for anti-oxidant rich fruit juice (pomegranate and dark grape are great, as is blueberry) and unsweetened black or green tea (or a mix of the two).Make sure that you get all the vitamins and minerals you need, supplementing as need be. Be sure to include the vital yet often overlooked trace minerals -- and get the ones that are plant derived. Oftentimes, our body keeps telling us to eat more no matter how much we eat because we are still not getting the vitamins and minerals it craves.Chew slowly and much more thoroughly. Health experts say that the optimum number of chews for each bite of food is 50. That may be a lot for you to do, but the more you chew, the better your food will be broken down and utilized without stomach distress and the more time it will take you to finish a meal. Studies have shown that there is typically a lapse in the time a body signals that it is full when you are wolfing down your food.Once each week, pick out a day for modified "fasting". Pick from watermelon, dark grapes with seeds, water and/or juiced fruits and vegetables. Go ahead and binge! Yep, eat all you want. And be sure to include the seeds with the grapes (not the watermelons though). The health benefits of regular fasting are immense and it helps keep your stomach shrunken so that you are filled with less food the rest of the week so long as you avoid huge meals.When you crave sweets the rest of the week, reach for modest portions of healthy fruits or a glass of juice instead. Remember that organics are always better when it comes to fruits and vegetables and to drink 100% fruit juices and not the high fructose and sugar sweetened juice "cocktails".Avoid all artificial sweeteners except Stevia or perhaps the harder to find and more expensive (but better tasting) Lo Huan. All artificial sweeteners are dangerous and have been linked to multiple health disorders, including cancer. In many instances, they also actually make you crave more food. None are more dang erous than Aspartame.Avoid MSG. It also leads to food cravings, obesity and multiple health problems. Read your food labels and also learn the many different names and guises used to mask the presence of MSG. Likewise, avoid trans fats (but not all fats). Soy is another no-no, as is canola oil. Pure butter is actually healthier for you than most margarines and butter substitutes even if you are dieting. Often, a bit of healthy olive oil can substitute quite nicely for butter.Since you are not only battling weight loss, but also mood and depression it is important to realize that diets that are too low in fat can cause or increase depressions. O mega three fats in particular are important for mood and mental health. So, while it is a good idea to eat a lot of healthy raw vegetables and fruits, you should also eat smaller portions of other foods that enhance your mood:Almonds help increase dopamine levels. Six raw almonds a day is healthy for everyone.Avocados (eat in moderation): Avocados increase the levels of dopamine and healthy vegetable fats, they increase endorphin (feel good chemical) levels.Turkey: Turkey also helps increase endorphins and help you achieve a relaxed moodOatmeal: For the same reason as the bagel-increase of serotonin levels from Complex Carbohy drates.Complex Carbohydrates: These foods raise the levels of serotonin in the brain giving you a calm and relaxed feeling. Look for whole grains, brown rice, fruit, high fiber cereal, potatoes. Again, moderation is the key.Fats: Vegetable fats increase endorphin levels. Healthy fat foods include olive oil, almonds and avocados. Omega 3 foods are extremely important and include salmon, lobster, shrimp, walnuts.Proteins: Protein helps stimulate the production of dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine.Dark chocolate: Umm, did I mention limiting portions? OK, not the ideal food of choice for dieters, but chocolate stimulat es the rel ease of serotonin and dark chocolate has other health benefits as well. And it will likely help you have a bit easier time with your cravings for sweets. Since you want to lose weight, go very easy on the dark chocolate. A good plan would be to buy enough each week to enable you to "reward yourself" once a day with one single small square of dark chocolate and no more. If you eat too much of it, you simply go without until the following week. Do the same more than a couple of times and do away with the chocolate until you achieve better control.Make sure that success is "in the cards" for youHere is an added tool that has helped many people overcome addictions and obsessive behavior:Get a notepad and pen. On one page, write down all of the positive things you can think of ab out losing weight and eating a healthy diet -- such as better self image, being healthier, longer life, more attractive, more active lifestyle, etc. Try to come up with the top ten reasons. On another page, write down all of the negative things you can think of, such as poor self image, poor health, depression, shorter lifespan, less attractive, less active, etc.Now, get yourself a few index cards, or even make some up on your computer. On the front of each card write the negative things about overeating and poor diet. On the back, write the positive things. Put one card in your purse, one on the fridge and another on your pantry/cupboard. And promise yourself that each time you have an urge to eat too much, or eat something unhealthy and/or fattening, you will take the time to read both sides of the card.Then drink a big glass of water, call that friend, go take a walk, get in the car and go find an activity to take your mind off eating, do anything to avoid giving in and the craving will pass and soon be forgotten about.Try those things, rejoice in the positive steps you take and do not despair during the times you slip a bit -- but never give yourself an excuse or plan to slip. Most people who have addictions or other obsessive/compulsiv e problems they are battling usually plan their slip-ups well in advance and already have an excuse waiting to be pulled out to justify their slip-ups. Instead of dwelling on eating and constantly thinking about it (and perhaps planning your next downfall), develop a lifestyle that revolves around activities and interests other than eating.You may very well find that, while there may be some ups and downs as there are in many things in life, you will slowly but surely be on the path for success.About the authorTony Isaacs, is a natural health advocate and researcher and the author of books and articles about natural health including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and "Collected Remedies"as well as song lyrics and humorous anecdotal stories. Mr. Isaacs also has The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers an d others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. He is currently residing in the scenic Texas hill country near Utopia, Texas where he serves as a consultant to the Utopia Silver colloidal silver and supplement company and where he is working on a major book project due for publication later this year. Mr. Isaacs also hosts the CureZone "Ask Tony Isaacs" forum as well as the Yahoo Health Group "Oleander Soup"------------ --------Buy Your Poison - Aspartame, Diet Soda, Splenda(NaturalNews) Chemist James Schlatter was working on an anti-ulcer drug candidate in the labs of G.D. Searle & Company. He was recrystallizing aspartame from ethanol when the mixture spilled on to the outside of the flask he was using. Some of the powder stuck to his fingers. When he licked his finger later, he realised the sweetness of aspartame.The first report of the discovery of the artificial sweetener was in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. It stated: "We wish to report another accidental discovery of an organic compound with a profound sucrose (table sugar) like taste... Preliminary tasting showed this compound to have a potency of 100-200 times sugar depending on concentration and on what other flavors are present and to be devoid of unp leasant aftertaste."Since then Searle has amassed multi billion dollars in profits by selling aggressively this one product with total disregard to the evidence they have gathered that show how dangerous and toxic this chemical is to human beings.AspartameWhen the temperature of the artificial sweetener Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in it converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which causes metabolic acidosis [Aspartame Toxicity Center, (www.holisticmed. com / aspartame) , (www.loftymatters. com) ; also Splenda & other dangerous sweeteners, ( . Additional information at (www.TruthAboutSplen ]Although multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, Methanol toxicity is. Systemic lupus has become almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis< /A="">, especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers. The victim usually does not know that Aspartame is the culprit. Its continuous use irritates the lupus to such a degree that it may become a life-threatening condition [Ibid]Patients with systemic lupus become asymptotic, once taken off diet sodas. In cases of those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, most symptoms disappear. There are many cases where vision loss returned and hearing loss improved markedly. This also applies to cases of tinnitus and fibromyalgia [Ibid]Those using Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc.) and suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, unexplainable depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss, probably have Aspartame poisoning [Ibid]Sadly, modern medicine, a pseudo science, cannot diagnose people with Aspartame harm or diagnoses in error. There are many instances when diagnosis is totally off the mark, but each 'one-disease, one-organ' specialist goes on giving more and more medicines and creating more and diseases. Create-more- diseases- and-cash- on-it being the operati ng principle of disease-business and crap science. [H olistic Healing in Tropical Diseases, Dr. Leo Rebello, Natural Health Centre, Bombay, 2006]. Therefore, instead of running after these foolish 'medicine men' just stop drinking diet sodas and be alert for Aspartame on food labels.Diet SodaDiet soda is not a diet product, but a chemically altered, multiple sodium (salt) and Aspartame-containin g product that actually makes you crave for carbohydrates and gain weight. These products also contain formaldehyde, which stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs; no wonder the American population is turning obese and/or suffer ing from cancers and diabetes [From FAT to Fit, Dr. Leo Rebello, (www.healthwisdom. org) ].Formaldehyde is an absolute toxin and is used mainly to preserve 'tissue specimens' in laboratories. Formaldehyde poisoning symptoms include local irritation of eyes, nose, mouth, throat, respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, and central nervous system causing vertigo, stupor, convulsions, unconsciousness, renal damage.Aspartame is especially dangerous for diabetics. Physicians wh o thought they had a patient with retinopathy in fact had patients with symptoms caused by Aspartame. The latter drives the blood sugar out of control. Thus diabetics may suffer acute memory loss due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are neurotoxic. With diabetics, Aspartame passes the blood-brain barrier, attacks the neurons of the brain causing various levels of brain damage, seizures, depression, panic attacks, uncontrollable anger and rage [Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, First Indian Edition, 1990] .Consumption of Aspartame causes these same symptoms in non-diabetics as well. Documentation and observation reveal that thousands of children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD have had complete turnarounds in behavior when these chemi cals were removed from their diet. So-called 'behavior modification prescription drugs' (Ritalin and others) are no longer needed. Indeed, giving Ritalin for ADD and ADHD is "treatment worse than the disease" [Nature Cure and Yoga Therapy, Dr. Leo Rebello, 2004, 3rd ed.]Methylphenidate (brand name Ritalin) was patented in 1954 by the CIBA pharmaceutical company (now Novartis), and most brand-name Ritalin is produced in the United States. Methylphenidate is a CNS stimulant. Reported methylphenidate abuse side effects include psychosis (abnormal thinking or hallucinations) , insomnia, mood swings, mood changes, nervousness, stomach aches, diarrhea, headaches, decreased sex drive, lack of hunger, gum an d skin bleeding and dry mouth [Online library of psycho active plants, chemicals and related topics from ( ]. It is also complicit in stunted growth.In the United States and worldwide, methylphenidate is classified as a Schedule II drug under the Convention of Psychotropic Substances because of its high addictive potential and consequent abuse [Wikipedia]. According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, "the uproar over Ritalin was triggered almost single-handedly by the Scientology movement." The Citizens Commission on Human Rights, an anti-psychiatry group associated with Scientology, conducted a major campaign against Ritalin in the 1980s and lobbied Congress for an investigation. Ritalin's less common side effects include palpitations, high blood pressure and tachycardia [Ibid]. Most child-pat ients were being 'poisoned' on a daily basis. The drug c an cause mental retardation and other birth defects, if taken at the time of conception and early pregnancy [Ibid].Children are especially at risk for neurological disorders and should never be given artificial sweeteners. There are many different case histories of children suffering grand mal-seizures and other neurological disturbances.Aspartame was approved for use in dry foods in 1981 and in soft drinks in 1983. Late Senator Howard Metzenbaum of Ohio wrote and presented The Aspartame Safety Bill (S. 1554) in 1983 that would require label warnings on products containing Aspartame, especially regarding pregnant women /A>, children a nd infants. A key element of Metzenbaum's bill was labeling that would caution consumers how much aspartame they could ingest, the maximum allowable daily intake established by FDA, and a special warning for pregnant women. The bill stated that the warning information "be included on such labels and labeling in a manner which is the most useful to individuals who consume such food." The bill mandated independent tests by the National Institutes of Health, focusing on brain chemistry, behavioral and neurological reactions, headaches, mood alterations, memory loss and effects on pregnant women and fetuses. It was killed by intense lobbying by the big phar ma MNCs in cahoots with the American FDA [Ibid]. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration has long lost its reputation to be able to do its job.Monsanto's patent on Aspartame has expired. But there are over 5000 products in the market in USA alone that contain this deadly chemical and thousands more will be introduced. Monsanto, creator of Aspartame, funds the American Diabetes Association, the American Dietetic Association and the Conference of the American College of Physicians, a fact exposed by the New York Times: "These [organizations] cannot criticize any additives or convey their link to Monsanto because they take money from them and are required to endorse their products." Also: "The chemical sucralose, marketed as 'Splenda,' has replaced aspartame as the no.1 artificial sweetener in foods and beverages. Aspartame has been forced out by increasing public awareness that it is both a neurotoxin and an underlying cause of chronic illness worldwide... "Splenda/SucraloseBut "chlorocarbons are never nutritionally compatible with our metabolic processes and are wholly incompatible with normal human metabolic functioning. Any chlorocarbons not directly excreted from the body intact can cause immense damage to the processes of human metabolism and, eventually, our internal organs." The liver is a detoxification organ, which deals with ingested poisons and over time gets damaged beyond repair with such artificial chemicals. You buy the poison; you buy the disease.According to PRNewswire-USNewswi re, 11 Augus t 2008, U.S. District Court Judge Dale S. Fischer has set 6 January 2009 as the sta rting date for a potentially landmark civil suit against Johnson & Johnson over its alleged false advertising of the artificial sweetener Splenda. The central issue before the court is whether the advertising of Splenda -- a man-made chemical sweetener containing chlorine -- makes consumers believe it is a natural product, by using tag lines like "Made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar," and similar advertising.Internal documents show Johnson & Johnson knew that its Splenda advertising was causing consumers to believe that Splenda is natural, though it is not. Rulings in France, Australia and New Zealand have found Johnson & Johns on's advertising of Splenda to be deceptive, but the company continues advertising in the United States and is now the subject of legal scrutiny and public criticism.Lead Sugar Association attorney Mark Lanier says: "Now we look forward to presenting the truth about Splenda to the jury and focusing on the very real effect of misleading advertising. We are confidant that the outcome will be a victory for consumers everywhere" [PR New and the Sugar Association] .Dr. Betty Martini, founder, Mission Possible International, who promotes the natural herb Stevia for diabetics in place of sugar, says "the controversy rages over Splenda (sucralose). Is it safe and natural like sugar or is it a chlorinated hydrocarbon? As lawsuits fly, consider the chemistry of this artificial compound." She points out that the FDA denied approval of aspartame for 16 years since it was created and then caved in to political/economic pressure when Ronald Reagan brought Don Rumsfeld, CEO of the manufacturer, to Washington. A new FDA Commissioner appointed to approve it then became a consultant for NutraSweet's public relations firm for $1000/day on a 10-year contract! She said this should have made the FDA more cautious the next time, but the FDA approved the toxic chlorocarbon Splenda without hesitation and without any long-term testing on human subjects."This shows how powerful drug and chemical lobbies are as responsible for letting loose the hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting and uninformed public. It is time that people woke up to the dangers from the pharmaceutical mafia.[The American model of Corporate Executives moving between Government, top universities, powerful think tan ks or NGOs, is now being increasingly exposed in the U.S. as responsible for the stifling of opini on and dissent, and the complete perversion of public life. It has made American citizens guinea pigs in the hands of faceless corporate bureaucrats and soulless corporations, ensuing the very triumph of Mammon that the high values of civilization were supposed to prevent. This article aims to create public awareness about the known dangers of Aspartame, Diet Soda, Splenda and how MNCs mess up people's lives in cahoots with corrupt FDA authorities worldwide. Dr. Leo Rebello, Health Expert from Bombay, says that 'Health Care is Self Care, and Right to Health is akin to the Right to Life'. The State is duty-bound to play a positive facilitating role in this regard; but does it? - Editor]Circa 1965 December.

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