FLEX HECTIC and the BOARD OF DIRECTORS at BSFS dot COM voted unanimously to remove THE ADMINISTRATOR from his position at the website! Many have viewed this as a coup orchestrated by FLEX HECTIC himself to secure his absolute control of the entire universe! It was rumored that FLEX stalked the boardroom roundtable like NINO BROWN while wielding a bat like AL CAPONE!When interviewed for a response FLEX stated that a vote of NO CONFIDENCE was reached because THE ADMINISTRATOR started posting forums which goes against FLEX HECTIC's "ALL ABOUT ME" campaign!From hence forth... all forums will have to first meet the approval of KING FLEX HECTIC!All posters must first acknowledge KING FLEX HECTIC as sovereign ruler of this and all other galaxies!All forums must be pro-KING FLEX HECTIC!Any inquisitors will be treated as enemies of the STATE OF FLEX HECTIC!HAVE A NICE DAY!

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