...this Friday, pretending you're not at home when the neighbor kids knock on the door. (Hey—what were you thinking about?)I generally don't like "scary movies" not because they scare me but because they invariably bore me. I'm not scared when people do stupid stuff (There's an unknown killer after us so let's split up!) or awed by second-rate Twilight Zone plot twists. The following movies are my recommendations for what to watch on All Hallows Eve. My criteria is they have to somehow engage you, challenge you or (if you were one of the characters) take you out of your comfort zone.Atypical Monsters: The Talented Mr. Ripley, JawsFlawed, but Still Worth Watching: Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, SignsLong Live the King: The Dead Zone, Misery (Remember: If someone says, I'm your Number One fan,” run!)When He Isn’t Directing Batman Movies: Memento, The PrestigeSee Them before the Remakes: Rosemary’s Baby, PoltergeistJust for Laughs: Shaun of the Dead, Young Frankenstein (“That’s ‘Fronkensteen’!”), ScreamThe Good Stuff: Aliens, Silence of the Lambs, Colossus: The Forbin Project, The Exorcist, John Carpenter's The Thing, The Thing from Another World, Curse of the Demon (May be hard to find, but worth the effort)Nostalgia Time: War of the Worlds (George Pal), War of the Worlds (Steven Spielberg)I'd love to hear your criteria/suggestions. I promise not to laugh. Until you leave the room.And...
Happy Halloween!

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