A Mystery Over China

A Mystery Over China

by Mike Krumboltz

On July 7, something unusual happened near the Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China. An oddly shaped bright light appeared, forcing the airport to close down and delay 18
flights. Things are now back to normal, but people are wondering, what
was that "thing"?

An ABC News article on the mysterious sighting explains that some who witnessed the light are calling it a UFO. But, keep in mind, a UFO
doesn't necessarily mean little, green men.

There is plenty of speculation on whether or not the object was some sort of military aircraft or missile. The ABC article explains that a day following the
sighting, "an anonymous source told China
that authorities already discovered the identity of the UFO
after an investigation but could not publically disclose the information
because 'there was a military connection.'"

Authorities are continuing to look into the incident, but no public conclusions have yet been made. Despite, or perhaps because of the mystery, Web searches on
"china ufo" quickly soared 576%. Related queries on "china
ufo video 2010
," "china
ufo sightings
," and "hangzou
china ufo
" also posted triple digit gains. Even now, a week after
the sighting, online lookups remain high. 

Truth be told, there's not much left to be said. Something weird happened. Nobody knows what it was. And if they do, they aren't saying. Check out the video
(actually, a series of still photographs) below and judge for yourself.


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