This is just a HANG OVER RANT but I have noticed that myself and the average sci fi writer/producer on this site is pushing age 40 and above. There is a old saying in the fan community called (I GOT A LIFE NOW) BILLS, RENT, RECESSION, POLITICS, KIDS for those who have them, all have a role of playing and shaping the stories we want to tell. If the first new wave of struggling black sci fi Artists is all ready pushing middle age will the 2ND and 3rd generation even try to attempt to pick up where we left off. Its kind of like the civil rights movement Martian paved the way then a young Malcolm picked up the ball and ran with it. Now we have players but they can never live up to king or X standards. From what I continue to see is that young writers are focused on ghetto hedonism then on trying to create new ideas on Afro living. I would love to see a mixture of sci fi material from all age groups that way our ideas will have a good foundation and will forever grow with knowledge and wisdom

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