Aliens Kidnap Iran Harris!!

Two days ago, I received a transmission from the Vindicator detailing an alien plot to kidnap BSFS member Iran Harris. In spite of my efforts to foil this plot, I discovered to my horror that Iran Harris was kidnapped early Monday morning while in the midst of training a client.It turns out the client was actually an alien in human disguise. Iran was attacked by five aliens, knocked unconcious, bound, gagged and thrown into a large cryogenic cylinder where he was flash frozen. The cylinder is somewhere in the Los Angeles area, where it will be placed aboard the aliens' vessel and transported to universal parts unknown.BSFS members this is a matter of vital urgency!!! We must find that cylinder and free Iran Harris before he's transported offworld!! We must find him. I need your help!!Iran Harris needs your help!We do not want any strange experiments being performed on him!!!

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