American Gangster

How many have seen the recent epic film american Gangster?While the central figure, excellently portrayed by Denzel Washington, created a business based around an illegal substance, thus involving himself in criminal activity, he still created a business, achieved phenomenal success, employed hundreds of black people, and rose to position so high, the establishment couldn't believe he, a black man, could be there and thus never thought to look for him.Everything that he did, was the way it should be done, (not counting the product being an illegal controlled substance of course) and there is a lot to learn from this character. After seeing the movie, I read the original article (I think from Time) with the interview with the real gangster. That contained some more excellent bits not included in the movie. This man had a drive and business sense usually only attributed to the most successful white entreprenuers.The truth is, you can get rich in any business. Regardless of his chosen field and the illegality therein, he still shows what is needed to create usccess and how to do it. Those with the mind to follow can learn from this and do it right> (and legal like)

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