Have you ever read the Wikipedia entry on "Black People"? It is so full of what I believe to be "shite" that I'm surprised it hasn't been edited or started a "Wiki-War". It's written from mainstream point of view, of course, and puts forth the same tired, old ideas advanced in Hollywood movies and Eurocentric history.Anyway, I'm thinking about my next animation project and find myself asking the age old questions. Who is it for? What market will I sell it in? IS THERE a market for that matter? Some questions are more easily addressed than others. Who it's for is easy. It should be for ME. All the things I wished I could see growing up or want to see now. Other questions are not so easy.I think about the earlier thread on whether or not black militancy is ruining scifi. Then I think about stuff like I read on Wikipedia and I wonder if it can be helped. Sure, it CAN be done without it, but sometimes one feels a need to say SOMETHING. The question is, though, even if something is said, and even if we set the record straight in a great film or novel, will it change anyone's mind?

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