I got this from a post from Thaddeus Howze over a G+ I thought I would share it here with you 

"The Black Problem" Could Be Solved If Blacks Put "Heart And Soul Into Being Honest" And "Law-Abiding"

At face value those words seem to have laudable intentions but in further reading and listening you find that it is more of an insult than a compassionate understanding of our position. After listening to the rant the words are the "New Mr Charlie" version of "Boy stay in your place", a very sad thing to see being exhibited. 


Talk with your children and remind them racism will take many forms and will disguise itself as it continues to hang on - but through positive examples and actions we will stamp it out once and for all. These are times that I will remind my children that those struggles that are so distant from their daily lives that seem to have no impact or meaning to them were fought for this very purpose. It is time to look at the dirty underside of the civil right struggle and understand what it would be like if it did not occur.

There would be more Trayvon like incidents in our news today. There was a shooting in Oakland of a handcuffed assault suspect that was begging for his life face down and an officer fired anyway. Once again youtube has this saved forever to be seen anytime but the media does not talk about it

I am sorry this is all over the map and not truly one of my better put together thoughts I am just having a tough week - the Zimmerman trial outcome has truly bothered me and shook my belief in the judicial process   

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