Black British Science Fiction

One of the first things I noticed when I joined this group was how so many of us are from the US. Now, as a citizen of the UK, whilst there's still a lot I'm learning from the forums etc, I do feel a bit outside it all - I can hardly book a flight to a convention in Philadelphia on my student loan (how I wish I could)!So it got me wondering - are there any of us here from the UK/Europe? I've always been the 'only black girl who likes sci-fi' (you know what I mean!) but this society has reassured me and encouraged me to be more vocal about racial issues in sci-fi that I care about. Awesome as this is, I'd love to know if there were conventions/meetings in the UK that have black sci-fi fans as a priority. Even if there aren't, just knowing there's more Brits out there means we could get something started. British Sci-fi, especially on TV, seems so whitewashed and any black characters feel like careful product placement, or quota filling - It might be just me, but I think it's up to us to try and change that.

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