Black Science Fiction and 2012

There's alot of talk about the year 2012 as the end of the Mayan calendar. A google search on the subject will result in hundreds of websites with speculations on what will transpire in the years leading up to and including 2012.Maybe I haven't looked hard enough (I doubt it) but I have yet to find any black science fiction that might address possible scenarios exclusive to US as the possessors of the most concentrated dark matter (melanin).Several of the metaphysicians (black & white) suggest that black people will be an integral part of the coming ascension (although many believe 2012 will bring catastrophic changes).Some of the things being said rival the most fantastic sci-fi ever written, but it seems to me, we, as creators might be dropping the ball on this one. This seems to be a golden opportunity to rally interest in what we love most but the content is just not out there. Why is that?Are enough of us aware of what is being said in these circles to generate interest in developing black science fiction/fantasy around this subject?

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