I just watched about an hour of "The Green Mile," a movie which in spite of the great special effectsI find offensive for a number of reasons.The historic inaccuracy of a Black man being jailed for killing two little White girls kind of irks me -- duing the era that The Green Mile was based in Black men were lynched for much, much less. Then there's the fact that the Black character (whose names escapes me) uses his gifts to take of White folks; and he has the intellect of a child.But the symbolism of "The Green Mile" intrigues me. Here we have a very large Black man -- described as "huge" by one of the White characters -- with preternatural powers. And he's controlled by White folks (after all he's in jail). Another similar film is of course "King Kong" -- where you have a very powerful "Black" character. The blatant racism of the newest Kong had some bloggers --including me-- so angry we were foaming at the mouth Only this time Kong's dangerous and has to be killed,Is this how America, or should I say Hollywood, views Black folk: Powerful, magical and studid? Oh and dangerous unless we're controlled by White folk?I'd love to here ya'll's thoughts on this:)

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