I was web surfing one day four years ago when I came across this site. I was absolutely geeked to discover an African American website devoted to science fiction/fantasy. BSFS has proven to be a fantastic venue where blacks can showcase their interest in and contributions to speculative fiction. I've come across a number of talented writers and artists on this site and have had the pleasure of working with other writers to produce some high octane literary work: Genesis, Griots, and Bloodlines.

The Administrator has done an admirable job of not just talking the talk. But through his efforts to highlight and expand the presence of blacks in science fiction, he is walking the multi-media walk. The BSFS magazine and television are up and running for example. Even as I continue to produce the best science fiction that I possibly can, I look forward to four more years of ever heightening achievement from the administrator and the membership! 

To enthusiastically coin a phrase I invented and that will ring like a clarion call throughout all eternity: LONG LIVE SCIENCE FICTION!!

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