
I am organizing the Philip K Dick Festival of Science Fiction will be held in NYC this fall Nov 9,10,11

We are interested in expanding beyond the 'quote unquote' sci fi genre films to incorporate science fiction stories directed or written by African- American, Latino and other people of color that reflect the needs and challenges of their community.

I personally feel there are a lot of very interesting stories that can be structured along these lines

This is very exciting to me since it will be the first category of Science Fiction that will incorporate the needs of the African American and Latino communities anywhere in the US.

It will also be the first official Science Fiction festival in New York City.

And for those dedicated fans of Philip K Dick, Jorge Luis Borges, Arthur C Clark,

Sam Delany this a plus.


Some of our panelists will be a surpise to many.


If any of you are filmmakers or know other filmmakers please refer them to us.


We welcome submissions and your support in our festival


please reply to info@thephilipkdickfilmfestival.com



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