Darwin Banned in Africa!

As the world turns and many nations rise and crumble simultaneously Africa will soon play a big part in how the future is shaped!

The recent African Leaders Summit held in Washington, D.C. shows that many countries are looking to Africa for investment purposes like the U.S. and China!

At some point certain leaders in Africa will wake up and realize their political and economic power and go straight Wakanda on the rest of the border crossing resource seekers!

With that said as new regimes come into play sprouting new visions of education should some, most or all of western culture be ditched for that brand new day?

The reason I use Darwin as an example is that overall it does not seem to add any value to Africa or those of African descent!

Whether it be the possibility of eugenics or selective breeding so to speak it appears to be something that could be a continuation of either western world or white world dominance of yesteryear!

If Africa is to strive there are of course things that fall under the "nothing new under the sun" umbrella like mathematics but as far as most other things go it comes down to "world views" that could derail this forward progression!

For instance White Jesus as opposed to one with lambs wool hair could also be a problem as well but there are also tribal issues that create a pseudo religious conflict here and there!

As I spoke with my in-laws from South Africa during their visit with us one of the topics discussed was the racial boundaries among Africans like the Zulus who were not always on good terms with Mandela's lead ANC views!

You also have Rwanda where the Hutus and Tutsis engaged in a genocidal war where one was working extra hard to get rid of the other!

At some point I believe that Africa should reverse the concept of the world always coming to it's aid and someday specific nations in Africa being the super powers to do as the U.S. does and send aid elsewhere to nations that need it!

My wife is an occupational therapist educated in a South African school and recruited to come to America and everywhere that she works she often ends up being in charge which leads me reason that maybe African schools are not so bad after all if she with what she learned there gets the job done better than many of her peers! Lol

Most of the time exchange students go to top universities in America or Europe and then go home to build their own countries but if higher standards were already set in their own countries that need not be necessary!

So again why would Darwin be banned... With the evolution and creation debates heating up in the west to the point that education is being denied/blackballed to some for religious reasons one can see that the children of the forefathers are rebelling against this and basically throwing their entire foundation for existing away!

As moral ethics begin to decay making corruption an easier agenda to adopt Africa and it's descendants need to study what caused both the rise and crumble of western civilization and take only what we need and discard the rest... Google France right about now!

This also includes what caused Africa to decline right before slavery that made us put our guard down which is separate from what the western world brought oh so many centuries ago!

One cannot ignore how powerful the west became in such a short time just because they kicked Africa's butt in the process... Sometimes you have to borrow from a championship team's playbook to get yourself into championship contention even when the championship team you borrowed from is not winning like they used to!

The keys to a prosperous civilization lies within it's national religion, national education and national military might being on the same page at the same time... Arguing about these things at the wrong time can get you sucker punched by another nation and push you right back down to Ground Zero! 

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