Did you know?

  I was recently cleaning out some of my old school work and I stumbled upon a excerpt that I had recieved in the fifth grade on Black Innovators. From the book Created Equal: The Lives and Ideas of Black American Innovators by James Michael Brodie, Did you know that???

  1. The Lone Ranger was a Black Man.
  2. The Phrase "The Real McCoy" referred to the automatic oiling device created by Elijah Mccoy, an African-American inventor whose parents fled slavery in Kentucky via the Underground Railroad and settled in Ontario, Canada.
  3. The golf tee was created by George F. Grant, DDS, and African-American dentist who loved to golf.
  4. The curtain rod was created by S.R. Scottron, a Black man, in 1892.
  5. Howard St. Clair Jones, Jr., an African-American, holds thirty-one patents in the field of mircowave technology.
  6. The District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) was designed by Benjamin Banneker, an African-American surveyor, astronomer, and publisher of a Farmer's Almanac from 1792-1802, who was appointed by President George Washington in 1789.
  7. The inventor of the trafic signal was Garret A. Morgan, a Black man, who also invented the gas mack used by soldiers in World War I.
  8. The ironing board was created by an African-American woman named Sarah Boone in 1892.
  9. In 1843, Norbert Rillieux invented a sugar refining machine that revolutionized the sugar industry and made it possible for the United States to dominate the market.
  10. The first known human to set foot on the North Pole was Matthew Henson, an African-American, who as a member of Admiral Perry's expedition placed the Stars and Stripes in the Artic ice.
  11. The shoe lasting machine, which made it possible to mass-produce shoes and was widely used right here in Massachusetts, was created by Jan E. Matzellger.
  12. Dr.Charles R.Drew, revolutionized the medical profession when he developed the blood bank and introduced his system for storing blood plasma. He devised a way to seperate plasma from whole blood and was the first director of the American Red Cross Bank, which he established.

  I just wanted to share some more Black History with you all. Happy Black History Month!

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