If the world had an economic collapse what would happen to the black community?
With the ebb and flow of black on black crime and the various tribal/gang factions beefing would we as a people fall into a type of feudal system to survive?
Should we prepare in advance for such a happening and start kissing certain pinky rings now before our lands and our wives are taken from us by force?
As our focus is on other matters sometimes we lose sight of the things that could come back and bite us on the butt if we do not pay close attention to them!
If we are to become the new leaders of the free world part of our responsibility should be to notice trends in politics, economics and passionate emotions that surface from time to time!
Also... If the world did fold up it's tent would it be open season on defenseless black folks who might be outnumbered or lacking in firepower to protect it's own people?
Are we taking too much for granted living the way that we live now?