Let's compare offers
- Offers a minimum of $100 a max of $412.50 depending upon word length (up to 5,000 words)
- Accepts reprints at a lesser payment structure minimum of $100
- No cost access for your readers/listeners, fan base and family.
- Nothing to purchase in order to be found, listened to and enjoyed
- Zero production cost obligation
- Authors/writers retain all rights to their product
- No deadline continuous submission (On going new content available weekly)
- Offers $50.00 per page 3 to 20 pages meaning $150- $1,000 of comic based art (around 8 cells per page) or 1000 - 10,000 words
- Previous publications preferred (not necessary)
- You must give up your rights and you are required to give up exclusive first worldwide rights to the story for 1 full calendar year from publication release date.
- Reprint rights in perpetuity belong Iron Circus Comics (they have the right to resell it for profit without you involved) but you retain you ownership otherwise
- There is a deadline, since this is a print item that makes sense