This incredible feature-length animated movie follows the troubles of two high school kids. Fierce rivals, the two regularly butt heads over all manner of issues, ranging from the trivial to the important. The film enters the fantasy realm as an accident occurs and the two boy's fathers suddenly possess some lethal superpowers, allowing them to enter into battle at the behest of their offspring. A bizarre, funny, and exciting movie, GOLDEN BLAZE is an innovative treat for all fans of fast-paced animated action films.
Perhaps more important than the story itself in terms of movies, The Golden Blaze heralds itself as the first theatrically-released full-length animated feature to be done entirely on computers using Flash animation.
Features the voices of Michael Clarke Duncan, Sanaa Lathan, Neil Patrick Harris, Blair Underwood. 87 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital 5.1. 2004
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