Hatorade... The New Racism? - Forums - Blacksciencefictionsociety

Hatorade... The New Racism?

With the reelection of President Obama and the success of numerous black folks pushing them into the millionaire and even billionaire status has racism evolved into Hatorade?

Of course there are still those of us under the grip of oppression but more and more blacks are seeing success at a rate not possible decades or even centuries ago.

Today the game is changed so much so that doors are opened that were once slammed in our collective faces that institutionalized racism is no longer strong enough to lock shut.

The internet has made the whole world more accessible creating opportunities where one can attain wealth without showing even a photo I.D. 

So if a white person has an emotion toward you as you drive that dream car or live in a nice home that segregation once blocked vehemently should it now count as Hatorade if they cannot legally do anything about your prosperity?

Instead of being foaming at the mouth racists is the KKK officially a bunch of Haters instead?

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