How 'Evil' are you?

In the spirit of Halloween with all the pretend vampires, zombies, slashers and what not running around tonight 'Evil' is all fun and games.

Yeah sure, you're no doubt a decent person and have a strong moral compass that helps keep you mindful of your fellow men and women. But are you certain? Slavery, Jim Crow, Internment Camps, Gulags and even Death Camps were all staffed and supported by God-fearin' decent folk as well.

The difference between one's humanity and inhumanity is so slim it can be easily missed by the most compassionate of people. Making a decision one way or another concerning someone else could find you in front of a firing-squad or waiting for a fine hanging at the behest of a War-Crimes Tribunal.

Here's a link to the show 'Curiosity: How Evil Are You?' where they perform a simple experiment to see how far ordinary people will go when it comes to bringing harm to another person. You'll be surprised at the results.


How Evil Are You?

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