The Future is Now -- How will the stimulus plan affect you? Obama Signs The most frequent questions being asked today are related to our changing economic environment: What should I do about my money? How do I protect my job? How do i succeed as an entrepreneur? How do I keep from losing my house? What about my career? Is Obama going to make difference for me? The speculation about these questions is over. Here is how the stimulus dollars will be spent. Now all of us have to go to work to craft strategies and actions that make the best of these plans. is a website that lets you, the taxpayer, figure out where the money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is going. There are going to be a few different ways to search for information. The money is being distributed by Federal agencies, and soon you'll be able to see where it's going -- to which states, to which congressional districts, even to which Federal contractors. The information will be displayed visually in maps, charts, and graphics. Visit for more details.

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