"If It Bleeds": All The News...

Hello Everyone!

Just letting you all know my second book, If It Bleeds, will be released on January 10, 2014! It's a horror novella that takes on the influence of television news and turns it into a monster-generating apocalypse machine.

"Television is killing us. A wave of violence is sweeping across the city, triggered by subliminal messages in local TV broadcasts. And those messages are more than suggestion–they are living demons corrupting the souls of unsuspecting viewers, driving them into insane rampages of cannibalism that no one can stop. A video journalist named Moses Mayborne sees the changes first-hand in his wife, and now he must rescue her and their child, or get swept up in the carnage."

Pre-orders are being accepted right now from Nightshade Publications. I hope all of you will have a chance to check it out! Thanks!

Darryl Dawson

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