Intelligent Advertising vs Other

I have noticed a new trend developing in the advertisement world. It takes into account that African Americans are intelligent all the time. Unlike the advertisement agencies that agree that African Americans that patronize McDonald's are most likely to say "no you diddent girl" when meaning no thank you.  

This element (which is true in certain situations) of thinking that Black Americans act differently when faced with situations of humor, fun, and merriment otherwise known as spending time with friends or dating has been with us since it became known that we wear two faces when dealing with White people. Commercials have often portrayed us as festive and funny even when at work. See the Eddie Steeples launch to fame as "The Rubber band Man" in a 2003 Staples commercial.     

The current two commercials feature a single African American woman dressed as an EMT intelligently discussing he decision to work (as an EMT) attend school (post degree work) and to own a computer that allows her to complete her school curriculum (first) and still use that same device for social media uses. Very impressive delivery of the information further more an effective marketing tool to African Americans that take the ethics imbued through out the advertisement as seriously.

Even when showing us at play has taken on a new for of positive advertising. A recent Halloween themed advert shows us as science aware, science fiction fans, tech savvy, concerned involved parents. What is not said in this ad but implied is that we can be all of those things and well employed.  Acknowledge when and where we are shown in the public eye in a positive and improving manner

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