Unless you have been under a rock somewhere or kidnapped by aliens joyriding in their stolen space craft or cryogenically frozen until the cure for the common cold is created you might have seen a lot of recent events happening both locally and worldwide!
Middle Earth U.S.A. freezing over... President Obama having a very very very bad year... Israel spitting ether at Washington... ISIS mix tapes... China bringing it like Return of The Dragon... Russia wilding out on some ill ish... Europe scrambling every-which-a-where... Venezuela giving the U.S. the finger buh bye now... Ferguson on fire like what... Massive craters showing up in Siberia... North Korea being well, North Korea... Blood moons peeping through your telescope winking at ya as if they know something that you don't...
Clearly the world is getting ready to reset itself in a huge reboot and I being the Cray Cray Creationist that I am could go all biblical here but that is not what this thread is about! Lol
If you ignore the upper northern parts of Africa including Boko Haram and them it appears as if most of Africa is off the worldwide news radar and so far removed from any possibilities of the "Illuminati" even bothering with all that outback jungle real estate it could go untouched after the smoke is clear!
In the movie 2012 (Relax you made it to 2015) they built ships that eventually made their way to Africa in hopes of starting all over again... I mean they even had a black Adam and Eve all set up by default just to keep the darker species going strong! Lol
But in that movie Africa was never focused upon until the very end and seemed unscathed which means that they would have set ashore and possibly had to deal with some African tribes in that Christopher Columbus rinse, dry and repeat scenario!
Unlike the country of Iran in the middle east no nation in Africa is seeking nuclear arms... OOPS I mean "nuclear power" (pardon my political incorrectness) so Africa does not have the inherited worry of being a legitimate target for preemptive strikes or retaliatory strikes in general!
However, nuclear fallout blowing in the winds from the other smoldering nations might make your afro grow a bright purple and there is a slight chance of you becoming a black version of the incredible Hulk if you inhale the smoke from the mushroom clouds too much so keep your gas masks handy!
As a man married to an African woman this thought gets me excited as civilizations clash and try to trounce each other out of existence whether at point blank range directly or on some sneaky behind the back political power moves!
When your allies no longer trust you or your enemies no longer fear you it's time to look ahead to the future and see what you can get moving forward!
With World War 3 on the horizon what should we pack and bring to our new homes in Africa?
How much of the past civilization should we carry over with us as we embark on this new pilgrimage?
What type of economies will we make and what sort of banking systems should we invest in?
Religions... Cultures... Sciences... Languages... Customs... There are some good things there are some bad things with each so we will have to form a committee to make the best of the best selections over what failed versus what succeeded!
I just hope we don't have to go through a long drawn out pseudo Mad Max post apocalyptic world like the Book of Eli for too long... Oh yeah, I forgot to add "WEAPONS" to that list of carry over things because reloading a spear is virtually impossible unless the person you used it on tosses it back to you!