See what had happened was...

Some fool sent me a Barack Obama: An American Story book which I received last Friday and I have not the heart to tell him I am illiterate (Black folks don't read) but hopefully someone can translate it into Ebonics for me!

So whoever that "Anonymous" person is out there in cyberspace thanks for the gift and for the upcoming holiday season I hereby take you off my assassination hit list... But come January it's open season on you!

(Thanks Administrator)

Anyway... Took the family to Bestbuy last Friday and lo and behold on the shelf in the open box section was a large flatscreen smart TV with 3D capabilities.

So now when Ronald finally comes out of hypersleep and lands in Los Angeles we can watch 3D movies all day until wifey kicks us both out along with our Star Wars DVDs for excessive loitering.

Note: Always check the open box section of the store because sometimes there is a negotiable five finger discount saving you literally thousands (Actually hundreds) in cash.

I also got some exercise equipment for my upcoming video workouts so get your workout clothes ready.

Anybody else find some deals?

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