The MWA invited author KL Brady to speak on taking book from development to publishing.

Her advice - if you are not a go getter, extravert, and business savvy - don't do it.

Now she says if ou do, sign up with multiple PODs to increase distribution while saving $$

She said that she joined these three POD services to increase her distributions - and guess what? Her books are even in the stores. She mailed in her book, marketing plan, and sales letter to the corporate headquarters and they purchased her books for their stores.

These are the PODs that she published with and how much she paid - Also the reason that she used each one of them:

TextStream ($30 Set up) for Baker & Taylor (Borders)
Lightning Source ($117 Set up) for Ingram (Barnes & Noble)
Createspace (Free setup) for Amazon

Truth be told, I really didn't think that a POD self-publisher could get in stores or get distribution for cheap - but KL Brady did an excellent job at doing this. She said she was happy with the control and the accomplishments of her decision.

I just thought I would share what I learned from her.

Check out her website - that she set up for FREE for authors
She started a new blog called, Indie Publishing on the Cheap. It shows step by step through how she published, distributed, reviewed, marketed and into bookstores.

If you're interested in checking it out, it's at . It's all free to authors.

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