Kurt Vonnegut anyone?

Have y'all read Kurt Vonnegut? I never read any of his writings but saw the movie Slaughterhouse Five and thought I  knew what his stuff was about. I recently picked up a collection of his stories and found out I was SO wrong. He was full of disrespect and admiration for our society. He correctly described our world from the standpoint of the priviledged few with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Cat's Cradle is dystopian without the sadness and hopelessness of the current day crop of young teen first love Mad Max inspired yarns. Breakfast of Champions is a satirical riot of 20th century optimism firmly grounded in an expose' of every societal ill: slavery, pornography, patriarchy, class struggles, failure of the medical system, and much much more all without being accusatory or negative. There is no anger in his writings. The truth of his obsevations overwhelms any objective to his ideas. I was laughing throughout just marveling at the genius of Kurt Vonnegut. While fiction and not really scifi or fantasy his writings criss cross those genres with a healthy dollop of sarcasm and satire. I whole heartedly recommend Kurt Vonnegut to all aspiring authors and all adventurous readers.

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