What happening BSFS Sisters and Brothers :)? We're all enlightened intelligent beings here, so I know we've all heard of the nutty Texas governor, the "tea parties" and his threats to separate from the US.He should put the crack pipe down right (laugh) cause we all know what happened the last time the South tried this. Here are some of the funniest responses from wordpress CNN.I'm really happy that there so many (in contrast to what FOX News is showing us) sane Texans."As a Texan…this confirms it Rick Perry is a moron….""This shouldn't surprise anyone… I grew up there and everyone there feels 'different' about who they are, where they are from… That would also make Rick Perry "President of Texas" - he has his own motive… he is a wacky guy!""I am a born and raised native Texan. Take it from me: Rick Perry is insane.""I'm a native Texan, and there are plenty of us that think Rick Perry and his far-right fans are crazier than a sack of weasels. I can't imagine this ever happening - but on the outside chance it does, I'm heading for the border (after selling my house to some neo-con wacko who thinks this is a good idea ;) "

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