Although there are many leaders from the black civil rights movements and the black militant movements the main faces of each are mostly represented by Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.Many decades have passed since their assassinations and often is the case the modern day interpretations of their works through speech or as activists have either been correctly or incorrectly translated.There are times when both idealogies have met in agreement on certain issues and times where they were on opposite sides of the racial spectrum.The main purpose of this thread is to create dialogue within today's climate as to what each man brought to the table as usable material in the new millennium.For example Martin Luther King tried to love somebody... At the core of our beings is love which is challenged by hate constantly. Fundamentally there is nothing wrong with trying to love humanity or people even when treated as if you were inhuman.Malcolm X as a product of The Nation of Islam took a more separatist stand as a defiant black militant who wanted our people to have our own culture, identity and productive businesses.At a given time in history both ideologies can be implemented to some degree of success depending upon the vast needs or economic status of the black community.If Dr. King were to give a great speech today it could be downloaded and viewed via the Internet worldwide and perhaps he would have his own iPad or iPhone app available on iTunes.If Malcolm X today wanted to study every word in the dictionary as he did in prison then his laptop computer could supply him with that and also the words of other languages to expand his vocabulary beyond just the English language over a full weekend.So... Let's put on are thinking caps and drag these two souls into the new millennium with a Black Sci-fi perspective.Feel free to include other notable names in Black History like Rosa Parks sitting in the back of the bus versus Oprah buying out the bus company and sitting wherever she pleases!

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