I love the new wave of ART HOUSE horror and sci fi films and the new thinking mans aproach to the  stories we all know and seen before. To much ART HOUSE can kill a cool concept and thats what monsters did. If you have seen the film the HOST then you know what a good/fun indie monster movie can be. Monsters is not bad, its not that boring and it shows that decent special effects can be done without going bankrupt. The problem with monsters is that the monsters are barly seen. we see the aftermath ruins of the creatures rampage, and that does make the film viewer anticpate the big miltary show down or  major city getting ripped apart. Alot of people hated cloverfeild, but cloverfeild gave me what I wanted to see, my city NYC get F  up by a giant monster. JAPAN PLEASE HURRY UP AND MAKE A NEW GODZILLA  MOVIE. The monsters of monster are a simple but weird desgin of a creature we all know. the creatures upper torso should have been designed more like a modern monster but oooooooooookkkkkkk for this film. the films monster money shot and the end of the story plot for the male and female leads are VERY VERY ART HOUSE. 

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