The "N" Word Banished!


The Supreme Court has ruled that usage of the "N" word will be a punishable crime from hence forth.


Several protesters were arrested in defiance of this new law ranging from thug hood cats that use the word like it's going out of style and members of various white supremacist groups that emphasize this outdated word to promote racial tensions.


However, there were also arrests made for those secretly using this word like corporate execs who utilize it in private jokes about "Colored Folks" and other persons who were just basically trying to be hip with today's young outgoing genres that throw the word around with no coherent meaning.


The prisons are now filling up to capacity with persons unable to refrain from using this word out of very old habits taxing the court systems across the U.S. with numerous cases of verbal misconduct.


Complaints from some attorneys of charged clients is that enough time was not allotted to get used to no longer using this word which has permeated the vocabularies of distinct parts of society.


One suspect taken into custody had this to say...


Suspect: "Dayum let a N!&&@ know before hand that a N!&&@ can't use the word N!&&@ no more!"


Police Officer: "That's three more offenses added to the crime... Book him!"


Movies, books, music and any other media associated with the "N" word have been either confiscated, destroyed or banished in some form or another.


Among the most arrested were black comedians who in some cases were snatched right off the stage during live performances and brought up on multiple charges.








So... With that all said what are your thought on the usage of the "N" word and how it should be banned, outlawed or left alone to eventually run it's course and die a natural slow death?



Most if not all of us have used it in some form or manner but what methods would you suggest to rid the universe of the "N" word so that it never rears it's ugly head again?






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